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3333 Texas 146
Bacliff, TX, 77518
United States


FCJ Marine is your complete outboard and inboard, boats and marine engines, services and repair facility. Authorized Marine Honda, Mercury and Susuki dealer. Family owned and operated, we are effectively servicing the greater Houston area, Friendswood, Nassau Bay, Seabrook, Webster, Clear Lake, Kemah, League City, Texas City, Santa-Fe, Galveston, and surrounding South Texas & Louisiana Region.


We are a Honda Marine full line dealer and authorized service and warranty repair shop. Our Certified technicians also service all other outboard and inboard brands such as but not limited to Yamaha, Mercury, Suzuki, Evinrude, Johnson, Nissan, Mercruiser, Volvo Penta, and many more.

True 5 year limited warranty on Honda Marine outboard Engines


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